
Precision meaning | Precision synonyms | Precision definition

Precision meaning is the degree of closeness of the measurements with each other.

How consistent our results are regardless of closeness to target/true/actual value.

Precision is the degree to which an instrument/process/measurements will repeat/show the same value.

Precision is defined as how close the measurements with one another, no matter whether the process/measurements are accurate or not.

In measurement system analysis, repeatability(equipment variation-within system variation) and reproducibility(appraiser variation-between system variation) errors are calculated, analyzed, and controlled to improve product and process quality. Both these measurement errors or variations are generally referred to as “Precision“.

precision meaning | Precision definition

Precision synonyms

Some Precision synonyms are exactness, correctness, perfection, nicety, and faithfulness, etc.

Precision meaning | Precision examples

Precision meaning is the consistent results of repeated measurements.

Measurement system should be precise and accurate in order to achieve desired results and improve product/process quality. Variation in the manufacturing process can’t be eliminated but it can be reduced to great extent if the accurate and high precision machine, equipments and right methods will be used.

Example-1: Let’s measure the weight of a 10Kg dumbbell on a weighing scale. The measurements value obtained are 12.15kg, 12.20kg, and 12.10kg. The measurements values tell us that our weighing scale is precise as all measurements are consistent or near to each other, but not accurate as all the measurements are away from the target/specified value.

Example-2: Let’s take the example of a pipe/rod having a diameter of 25mm. The diameter checked with a micrometer and the measurement values obtained are 23.21, 23.10, and  23.15mm. The values are very close to each other but away from the target/specified value. That means the micrometer is precise but not accurate.

Example-3: Let’s take an object having temperature of 40 deg. celsius. But the thermometer is displaying  readings 55.5, 55.3, and 55.10 degrees respectively. The results indicates that thermometer is precise but not accurate.

Example-4: The bowler throwing the ball six times towards the wicket/stumps but missed hitting the wicket/stumps. The bowling spot/pattern was the same at all times i.e. bowling is precise, but do not hit the stumps i.e. bowling is not accurate. 

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MSA-Measurement System Analysis primarily deals with investigating/study the effect of the Measurement System on the measured value.

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