
What is Quality Control? Quality control definition | Quality control meaning

Quality control | Quality control definition | Quality control meaning

Quality Control is a set of activities for ensuring quality starting from Raw material to finish Products. The activities focus on identifying defects in the actual products produced or during the production process for corrective measures. Therefore, QC is a reactive approach.

Quality Control is product-oriented and mainly focuses on quality defect identification and taking corrective measures using 7 QC Tools and 8D problem-solving methodology.

QC engineers generally use SPC tools like Contol Charts on the shop floor for monitoring and controlling Process Variations.

The only specific team is involved in QC activities to ensure product quality.

QC is a part of Quality Assurance.

QC Goal

To identify defects after a part is produced and before it’s released.

QC Focus

To find and correct defects in the final/finished product.

Meaning of “Quality” and “Control”

Quality” is Fitness for purpose/use.

Control” means identifying/observing actual performance against defined SOP.

Quality Control Meaning | Definitions

QC has a variety of meanings and defined as follows:

The operational techniques and activities that are used to accomplish quality requirements

It means checking various stages of the production process to ensure product quality and taking corrective measures against the identified non-conformance/defects.

QC is the process through which we measure the actual quality performance, and compare it with the set standards and if there is a deviation then we take corrective actions. Therefore, it is a reactive process.

QC can be defined as the devices, tools, and skills through which quality activities are carried out.

QC is a systematic control of various factors that affect the product quality. It depends on 4M conditions i.e. Man, Machine, Material, and Method or working conditions and Measuring instruments, etc.

Measuring Instruments like Vernier caliper, Micrometer, Height Gauge, Bore Gauge, Depth Gauge, Plug Gauge, and Snap Gauge, etc. are widely used by quality Inspectors/Engineers in QC activities.

QC definition as per ISO 9001:2015

QC is part of the Quality System focused on fulfilling quality requirements.

See also the following topics :

Quality Meaning and Definitions by Quality Gurus

Quality Assurance Meaning and Definition

Difference between Quality Assurance And Quality Control

Seven Basic Quality Control Tools

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